Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud on RHEL7 / CentOS7 using RDO

This tutorial will provide you the step by step procedure to Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud on RHEL7 / CentOS7 using RDO.

Operating System : CentOS 7.x - 64 Bit
Hostname :
IP Address :

Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud on RHEL7 / CentOS7 using RDO


1. One Server with OS CentOS7.x
2. Minimum One Network Adapter with Internet connection (Internet Connection is needed to make the installation easier)
3. Virtualization Extenstions should be enabled. (egrep 'mmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo)
4. Disabled firewalld and selinux.

Step 1: Install RDO Repository

Update the packages and install the RDO repo using the below command.

[root @linux1 ~] yum -y update
[root @linux1 ~] yum -y install

RDO stands for RPM Distribution of Openstack. RDO is community of users and free distribution of Redhat linux packages(CentOS, Fedora and Redhat Enterprise Linux). Refer the following link for more information

Step 2: Install Openstack Mitaka release and Installer "Packstack"

Packstack is a utility that uses Puppet modules to deploy various parts of OpenStack on multiple pre-installed servers over SSH automatically.

[root @linux1 ~] yum -y install centos-release-openstack-mitaka
[root @linux1 ~] yum -y install openstack-packstack

Step 3: Deploy and Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud

Packstack can be used to install each OpenStack service on separate servers, an ''allinone'' server, or any combination of these. There are three ways that Packstack can be run.


packstack [options]
packstack --gen-answer-file=<file> [options] / packstack --answer-file=<file>

The third option allows the user to generate a default answer file, edit the default options, and finally run Packstack a second time using this answer file. This is the easiest way to run Packstack.

So the command is,

[root @linux1 ~] packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/answer.txt

Edit the answer.txt file to set the needed parameters as per the requirement. We can choose, which services are need to be installed using this answer file.

Step 4: Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud using answer file

Execute the below command to start the Openstack Mitaka installation.

[root @linux1 ~] packstack --answer-file /root/answer.txt

Once the Installation process is completed, See the last few lines from the output of the above command, which will show you the dashboard link and your login credentials will be stored in the file "keystonerc_admin" under your home directory.

We can login to the Openstack Mitaka web interface dashboard to create and manage the Openstack Cloud environment.

We have done the Installation of Openstack Mitaka successfully, we will explain you how to work with the dashboard and how to create, manage and delete the Instance in the next articles.

Hope this post is useful to Install Openstack Mitaka Cloud on RHEL7 / CentOS7 using RDO.

Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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ck cloud, install openstack mitaka, install openstack mitaka on RHEL7, install openstack mitaka on centOS7, install openstack on linux

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