What is Keptn in Kubernetes?

What is Keptn in Kubernetes

Keptn is an open-source platform that helps developers automate and accelerate their application delivery in Kubernetes. It is a cloud-native control plane that provides automation, continuous delivery, and operations for your cloud-native applications.

With Keptn, you can simplify the deployment, testing, and delivery of your applications and ensure that they run smoothly in a production environment.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at Keptn, its architecture, and how it works in a Kubernetes environment.

Keptn Architecture:

Keptn has a modular architecture that consists of several components that work together to provide end-to-end automation and delivery of your applications. Here are the main components of the Keptn architecture:

  1. Keptn Control Plane: This is the main component of Keptn and provides the API server, event broker, and other control plane functions. It is responsible for receiving events, triggering workflows, and managing the lifecycle of your applications.

  2. Keptn CLI: The Keptn CLI is a command-line interface that you can use to interact with the Keptn control plane. You can use the CLI to create and manage projects, services, and stages.

  3. Keptn Service Catalog: The service catalog is a repository of all the services that Keptn can deploy and manage. These services include monitoring, logging, and other operational services.

  4. Keptn Bridge: The Keptn Bridge is a web-based user interface that provides real-time insights into your application delivery process. You can use the Bridge to monitor the status of your services, view logs and metrics, and troubleshoot issues.

How Keptn Works in Kubernetes:

Keptn integrates with Kubernetes to provide end-to-end automation and delivery of your applications. Here are the main steps involved in using Keptn in Kubernetes:

  1. Install Keptn: The first step is to install Keptn on your Kubernetes cluster. You can do this using the Keptn CLI or by deploying the Keptn control plane and its components directly to your cluster.

  2. Define your Application: Once you have installed Keptn, the next step is to define your application. You can do this by creating a project, service, and stage using the Keptn CLI. A project represents your application, while a service represents a specific microservice within your application.

  3. Define Workflows: Keptn uses workflows to automate the deployment, testing, and delivery of your applications. You can define workflows using the Keptn CLI or by creating YAML files. Workflows can be triggered automatically or manually and can include actions such as deploying a new version of your service, running tests, and promoting your service to a new stage.

  4. Monitor your Application: Keptn provides real-time monitoring of your application using various operational services such as Prometheus, Dynatrace, and ElasticSearch. You can view metrics, logs, and other performance data using the Keptn Bridge.

  5. Continuous Delivery: With Keptn, you can automate the delivery of your application to production by promoting your services through different stages. Keptn ensures that your services are deployed and tested automatically and that they meet the required quality and performance criteria.

Keptn is an open-source platform that provides end-to-end automation and delivery of your applications in Kubernetes. It simplifies the deployment, testing, and delivery of your applications and ensures that they run smoothly in a production environment.

With Keptn, you can automate your workflows, monitor your application, and ensure that your services are delivered to production automatically.

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  • That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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