Helm: List Installed Charts

Helm List Installed Charts

In this post, I will show you how to list installed charts by using helm command. Also will provide step by step instructions along with helm command example.

Table of Contents

  1. Check Helm Installation

  2. List Installed Charts

  3. Filter Chart List

  4. Display Detailed Information

  5. Export Chart List to a File

Check Helm Installation:

Make sure the helm package is installed or not using helm version command. Open terminal or any command prompt and run the below given command.
helm version

Above helm command will show you the version of the installed helm version including server and client version.

List Installed Charts:

To list the installed charts, we use the following command:
helm list

The above command will display the namespace, updated timestamp, release name, revision, status and chart name of each installed helm chart. Here the release name is unique identifier to assign each instance of installed chart. 

Filter Chart List:

When you have a large number of installed helm charts, if you want to filter the helm list based on some specific criteria. This helm provides an options for filtering to help us to narrow down the results. For example,
helm list --filter "status=deployed"

The above helm command will display the installed helm charts that status set to "deployed", where we can replace "deployed" status with any other status such as "uninstalled", "failed" or "pending".

Display Detailed Information:

To get more detailed information about the specific installed helm chart, we can use the helm status command after the release name. For example,
helm status my-chart

The above helm command will display information about the installed helm chart such as chart name, description, version, values are used in the time of installation, also any related pods, services and other resources created by the helm chart. 

Export Chart List to a File:

If you want to save the installed helm chart list to a file for the future reference or analysis, then you can redirect the output to a file using the bellow command
helm list > installed_charts.txt

The above command will save the list of installed helm chart to a file named as "installed_charts.txt"    is located in the current directory. We can also choose a different filename or path based on our needs. 

That's it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.

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